
Copyright 2019 © ROBERTA ROMAN

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Stefano Candito

+33 6 62 50 01 88


Sito Web realizzato da Flazio Experience




Roberta Roman is part of ‘Generation Spedidam’, which reunites the 12 best artist inFrance for their talent and their taste applied to their musical research.Her talent has been evident since her debut with contemporary classical music, upuntil her last project researching tango, T4NO, which aims to bring together musicianscoming from different nationalities and cultures.Roberta trained as a classic guitarist in Italy, and started her concert career with arepertoire made of original compositions by modern authors such as Juan Trigos,Daniel Sanchez, Massimiliano Viel and Luca Cori. From a very young age, she has been part of international tours together with the ‘ProArte’ orchestra, where she performs Il Virgen de Guadalupe for choir, orchestra andsolo guitar, composed and directed by Mexican maestro Juan Trigos.Alongside her work in the contemporary music scene, Roberta’s passion for history hasled   her   to   re-discover   the   ancient   connection   between   Tango’s   origins   and   theNeapolitansong(CanzoneNapoletana).In Paris, also known as the ‘second homeland of Tango’, Roberta was asked to playAstor Piazzolla’s Doppio Concertofor bandonéon and guitar for De Fréjus’ Orchestra’sinauguration; later on, she, together with ‘El Quinteto’, recorded her first album, Les Quatre   Saisons,   dedicated   to   the   music   of   the   great   Argentinian   composer   andmusician.

In 1996, Roberta founded her own tango-playing trio, formed of guitar, bandonéon andcello, with a chamber music interpretation of an original repertoire that spans inbetween ‘learned music’ (Musica Colta) and ‘music of the people’ (Musica Popolare).Together with her ensemble, Roberta has performed beside world-class artists, and inmultiple film and radio productions.She has collaborated with numerous shows; highlights being, Afiches tango, Io, EdithPiaf, Tarantus, Fruits mur, Marie Kiss la Joue, Connexion Buenos Aires. Roberta Roman began her training in Milan, where she obtained a diploma in classicalguitar at Conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi.Whilst still very young, she moved to Paris, where she fine-tuned her technique withmasters Alberto Ponce and Betho Davezac at theÉcole Normale de Musique AlfredCortot, and at Meudon Conservatory.She   received   the  Diplôme   d’exécution  (Execution   diploma)   and   the  Diplôme   deperfectionnement en guitare et musique de chambre (Advanced Diploma in guitar andchamber music).In   2009, she   graduated  with  the highest  honours  from  ConservatorioBenedettoMarcello in Venice, with a degree specialising in concert music.She holds a D.E. (Diplômed’enseignement) for teaching in French conservatories. Sheis currently a teacher at Erik Satie Conservatory in Bagnolet (Paris).



Sones Contemporaneos

Ensemble Sones Contemporaneos

Les Quatre Saisons

El Quinteto

Voyage à Sorrento

Trio Contempo

Live au Folckclub

Trio Contempo distribué par Ethnosuoni

Angeles y Demonios

Trio Contempo

Trio Contempo

Trio Contempo



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